I have an application that is crashing on Plan 9.  Now, it could be a bug in the code, but in the past, similar problems with the same code base on other platforms have always been caused by the system stack being blown out, and in a less rare case, the systems running out of process space.  The crashes are happening on 9vx.OSX (which is currently the only place it can be tested on our systems).   Does 9vx have any such limitations and/or does Plan 9 in general have any such limits?  And if so, can they be changed?   I see some of the threading calls have stack size requests possible, but don't see any such concerns as a consequence of a fork, though I'm sure fork is semantically equivalent to some other calls when all is said and done.   Like I said, it could be a bug in the code, but I'd like to approach it from this level first assuming there is any such interaction that even exists so any insights would be appreciated.

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