I've heard that 64-bit is not an immediate win over 32 for graphics and such, but then again also heard that 32 bit is not the pits, and that it more or less becomes a wash.  So, in your case, what is is about 32 that makes it a *significant* win, given that the space would have been used in either case (I don't know if that's true, but assuming it is)?   (And sorry if I've connected "graphics and such" with image processing since it may be you're doing something I'm not realizing and so we might be talking about different things.)

On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 5:20 AM, steve <steve@quintile.net> wrote:
i think this is an often misunderstood fact, 32bit ints are, in my experience,
a significant win compared with 64bit when doing memory intensive work
- image processing in my case.


On 5 May 2012, at 06:48 PM, Charles Forsyth <charles.forsyth@gmail.com>
> if it's performance you're worried about, for programs that don't care about width, i'd expect 32 bits at least
> to match performance with 64 bits (if there's a measurable difference). for one thing, cache lines will contain
> more values, and several will be fetched at once when cache lines are filled.

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