On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 9:12 PM Sean Hinchee wrote: > As a footnote, there's a decent git client written in Go that works > alright on plan9 [4], but it's slow and memory intensive at the > moment. > > [...] [4] https://github.com/driusan/dgit > This (and the fact that the speed of Go on Plan9/amd64 seems to be finally be useable enough to do development again as of 1.14..) finally gave me the kick I needed to fix some of the hacks that were causing performance problems on clone. The self-clone time went from ~160s to ~13s on my machine (compared to ~8s with "real" git) If there's other parts that you were referring to as being slow and memory intensive let me know (or if you still find it's memory intensive, I didn't benchmark that part..) - Dave