Hi Jeff,

Mercurial has been taken care of! I more or less track the latest stable (stallion/mercurial). The existing Python port is sufficient for Mercurial, though having a native Python port would be great. I've added Plan 9 support upstream in the Mercurial repository, so future builds are very simple. In fact, it's even documented: http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Plan9FromBellLabs



On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 1:56 PM, Jeff Sickel <jas@corpus-callosum.com> wrote:
Has anyone completed an APE lib sec yet?

I'm starting to roll an ape build of libsec in as it's needed for
a new Python 2.7.3+ port of Python.  I'd gladly take someone else's
mkfile rework to save some time.  Libsec is needed to implement a
new _hashlib module, one that doesn't require OpenSSL among others.

The new Python release&build will be pushed out once I clean up
a few more details like getting new builds of Mercurial working.