1. Is is a new 'python' interpretter implementation? What is a difference from 'bichued/python’?

It’s a ‘new’ CPython 2.7.x version.  No dependencies on 3rd party libs (e.g., openssl, bzip2, …).

Ah, excellent. Going to try...
(Personally, I never liked the dependency on openssl...)
3. I see a little chicken-egg problem, to clone such 'python' version, I need 'bichued/python' and 'bichued/hg' already installed... ;)

No problem there, you can download source tar+gz|bz2 directly from both bitbucket and selenic.

To build just unpack:


and follow the cpython/mkfile rules.

Going to follow your recommendation.

Thank you and Erik for your answers.
