why do that when you can just run 'mk'

On May 6, 2017 12:47 AM, "Sean Callanan" <l337.h4x0r@gmail.com> wrote:
I can't speak for dexen, but I would love to be able to run

cc -DFOO=bar file.c

or similar commands with button 2 in Acme.  What I get instead is

rc: line 2: token '=': syntax error



2017/05/05 18:53、tty0@teknik.io のメッセージ:

> May 1, 2017 2:30 PM, "dexen deVries" <dexen.devries@gmail.com> wrote:
>> does anybody have a version of Rc that allows unquoted equality sign?
>> having to quote the character get a bit annoying on POSIX systems (plan9port)
> I don't, but can you explain in detail what you are doing that causes an issue?