That's pretty meta on your part Hiro. I'm here for plan9 knowledge, tips, tricks, news and related things (I guess go is a related thing, although I still have to manage to install it... mercurial screwed me up last time I tried to install it in P9)

As for picolisp dexen... Have never checked it (I program in Lisp occasionally, so it's not fear of the lots of innecessary and stupid parentheses :) , I try to keep newsgroups to the bare minimum. Up to until now I was in just one more (the Ben Nanonote user/developer list) but decided adding one more couldn't be as bad as I feared.


On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 1:16 PM, hiro <> wrote:
I'm subscribed to this mailgroup so I can find out why other people
are subscribed to this mailgroup.