Oh I wasn't meaning Apple forbids 3-button mice, but just a side remark at the fact that they only create one-buttoned things. I do have a 3-button mouse I plug occasionally to my Mac, but most often than not I forget it at home (or I'm too lazy to pick it up) and having this keyboard fallback is neat: so far I have used 2-1 VERY sparingly because of it.

There's also a patch lying in the internet (or the group archives) using trackpad gestures to get this. I think having gestures is a good way to go in this particular case, but since my Mac is old I don't have multitouch by default (I have a Magic Trackpad for that.) I think I will add that patch and check how good gestures feel for the chording in Acme.

I'm not sure how/what could be used as gestures in a "Plan9 world" but this is probably because I don't use Plan9 enough... I do use Acme daily for my unorganized writing and occasional go tinkering (still not far from being a "hello world" go programmer,) emacs for the rest of the writing. What do you think would fit the model (inside Acme, I mean)?



On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 12:24 AM, <a@9srv.net> wrote:
Apple has no such "odd stance" against multi-button mice.
Buy one and plug it in. It's worked just fine at least since OS X
came out. The chording will be vastly more comfortable that
way. The keyboard mapping (even with your patch, which
does seem to be an improvement) is intended as a fallback.

It would be interesting to see more experiments using these
devices multitouch capabilities in the context of the plan 9
graphics model.
