Hi everyone, I'm trying (just for the sake of getting it to work!) to read my (imap) mail via acme from plan9ports. I got the mail file server started in my namespace (I can 9p ls mail and see my folders in INBOX for my work account, but I can't get gmail to work... Probably needs TLS support and if I understood correctly, plan9port does not have TLS yet.) Problem is, if I middle-click on Mail in the main tag in Acme, I am greeted by: Mail: exit 1 No mail for ruben ruben is my local user name, which is different from my imap login name. Looks like Mail is executing the "mail" command instead of using Acme/Mail. How can I get Acme/Mail to understand where to fetch mail? I thought it would be automatic, getting it via the mail file server but looks like it doesn't. Oh, I have the plumber (and factotum) also running, both seem to be working correctly (at least I can plumb things and they work.) Any suggestions? Thanks, Ruben Berenguel