some of it for me is just nostalgia. there was always someone talking about "the world these days" though, I have to admit. ignorance sucks too but noticing anything is excruciatingly painful! I also had a vested interest in submitting patches "upstream" to see what I could learn from trying to do it. I didn't get very far with it and started to feel like I was just making a mess. I often feel that way with my coding. if anyone understood my feelings of being misunderstood, not that I ever put any effort into knowing who any of you are, it did seem boomers made all this. I'm on the fence about the moon thing though, I don't see any particular reason we should believe in any lights in the night sky or other ridiculousness. On Thu, Aug 19, 2021, 4:47 AM hiro <> wrote: > > We have beef with the One Plan 9 idea. Or at least the all people I have > > talked to about this topic. > > personally i have no beef with it. i'd be happy for everybody to > upgrade to 9front. > it's all open-source for a reason, would be a shame if nobody believes > in their own fork... ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: Delivery options: