I'm not sure how to negotiate this. Tiger says:

1) Go back to 1988.
2) Apply for a license.
3) Run it/enjoy it.
4) Stop being a dick


On 7 September 2013 23:21, Kurt H Maier <khm@sciops.net> wrote:
Quoting Bruce Ellis <bruce.ellis@gmail.com>:

I was disturbed by the claim that v10 had been lost because of bullshit,
but said nothing.

If indeed someone has lost their v10 I can replace it. If you are in
australia it's easy. Contact me with the details of your import license and
I will arrange for a copy on TK50 for you.

Sure!  Where do I get a license?

I'm not allowed to
export/sell/destroy it so I'm stuck with it. Nearly all of cmd is on the
web anyway!

I don't suppose you have a url -- or you have one, but it's not ready for Put yet.  Well, whenever you feel like sharing it with the world, let us know.

And a complete rack of plan9 servers is a lot quieter, faster, and uses
lest power than my Vax.

Are you seriously suggesting there is interest in acquiring v10 for practical purposes?  If there is v10 in production I'd love to know about it; that would be an interesting envinronment I'd want to learn more about.

But I digress, voting nemo Plan9 innovator of the month. Shoot me.

In that case, I'm voting Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, mayor of Baltimore, as the Plan9 innovator of the month.

As far as you know.
