I resemble that comment! On 29 January 2013 02:12, Federico G. Benavento wrote: > I thought it was an MVS reincarnation… > > On Jan 28, 2013, at 11:24 AM, Kurt H Maier wrote: > > > On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 10:13:28AM +0000, Unknown wrote: > >> My route here was: when my ISP said I'd have to buy W95, because Win3 > >> wasn't good enough any more, I said screw-you and found linux and ETHO > >> [the single fd0, full OS & inet suite]. > > > > Let me start out by saying I love this message. I thought fakeposting > > had died, but clearly there are still some practitioners out there. > > Here are a few hints: > > > > - Nobody's ISP tells them what OS to run, even back in 1995. This > > excessive detail deprives your message of the credibility it deserves. > > > > - dog@gmail.com is not valid -- gmail requires at least six characters > > in the username field; you had to know someone would notice this. Next > > time, register a better throwaway address. Mailinator has lots of > > legit-sounding domains to choose from. > > > > - The message seems to have shot its whole magazine in the first > > engagement. Spread it out over a few more messages, so people get > > engaged in the discussion before they realize it's a fakepost. > > > > Don't get discouraged! This is good work, and with practice, you'll be > > tearing up mailing lists for years to come. > > > > Thanks, > > Kurt > > > > --- > Federico G. Benavento > benavento@gmail.com > > > > > -- Don't meddle in the mouth -- MVS (0416935147, +1-513-3BRUCEE)