Hi all, Jeff (jas) and I have been chatting about organizing a "Plan 9 : 2020" workshop. We're trying to gauge everyone's interest, and to solicit agenda items, venue suggestions, and hopefully volunteers to help organize it. Agenda (roughly): Aside from moral support and camaraderie, one main goal would be to team up with 9fans to plan and start work on some longstanding issues and (to-be-determined) feature requests. There will be a call for papers on completed or works-in-progress for Plan 9 (all flavors), 9P, P9P and related projects. There has been some interesting adoption of Plan 9 ideas which may be worth including in a "State of Plan 9" of some sort. The circumstances alone beg a paper on "9P2020". It would also be an opportunity to discuss the latest trends in technology and how they may benefit Plan 9's development. Venue: As for venue, Jeff is willing to host it at his Hanger 9 (a real hanger, with airplanes) in Kenosha, WI. He will have high speed connectivity and a Plan 9 network. Accommodations in the area will most likely be cheaper too. If you have a different suggestion, or are willing to offer a venue, please comment. Sponsorship: Yes, please? Volunteering to help plan, organize, or help with the costs would be great. As in past workshops, this will be a labor of love for all involved. Please comment here with your interest and suggestions for the agenda, venue, sponsorship/volunteering, etc (or other creative ideas). Thanks, -Skip