if you setup an auth+fs+cpu machine, then you can tftp boot the pi(s); it is just as fast.

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 12:40 AM, Yoann Padioleau <pad@fb.com> wrote:

I have a raspberry pi :) but I've found it incredibly convenient to have an emulator
to test things. The development iterative loop is far faster when you can cross-compile
from your pc and test directly on your pc. Then once it works you can deploy
and test on the real machine. Anyway, I understand it would be complicated
to make plan9 works on qemu for arm1176.

On Jun 8, 2014, at 9:02 AM, Richard Miller <9fans@hamnavoe.com> wrote:

>>> This works though with a linux kernel compiled for the raspberry, e.g.
>>> from https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v1/url?u=http://xecdesign.com/qemu-emulating-raspberry-pi-the-easy-way/&k=ZVNjlDMF0FElm4dQtryO4A%3D%3D%0A&r=%2FN9d7W2LRwZks3eyFNLr8Q%3D%3D%0A&m=xtUc%2B%2BLTD9Nd9zDzA3%2BHrYrg6YJxYvceJz4dKM6VilU%3D%0A&s=aafa0b698d8faa75b24756ff8567b8699fd2686c0d38562cc6c97e5a00bcf362
>>> wget https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v1/url?u=http://xecdesign.com/downloads/linux-qemu/kernel-qemu&k=ZVNjlDMF0FElm4dQtryO4A%3D%3D%0A&r=%2FN9d7W2LRwZks3eyFNLr8Q%3D%3D%0A&m=xtUc%2B%2BLTD9Nd9zDzA3%2BHrYrg6YJxYvceJz4dKM6VilU%3D%0A&s=bbec0427d0c6670d2da7f7bb614919390a9829436af5205dc85696cf4cb582e5
> I would bet that linux kernel isn't actually configured for the
> raspberry pi -- it will be for a generic arm1176.  The pi's processor isn't
> an arm1176 exactly; it's a Broadcom bcm2835 videocore gpu, with an arm
> core grafted on.  It's highly unlikely that qemu knows how to emulate
> this well enough for a native bcm kernel like 9pi to run successfuly.
> The "emulating raspberry pi the easy way" is not really emulating the
> pi, just using a generic arm kernel to run linux software from a
> raspberry pi linux distribution image.
> If you want to run 9pi, I recommend buying a raspberry pi.  They aren't
> expensive, and native Plan 9 is a much more rewarding experience.