Awesome, I'm glad that your hard work paid off. You deserve a lot of credit for this.


On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 1:29 AM, <> wrote:

        We're in! Plan 9 has been accepted to participate in this year's
Summer of Code. This will be our fifth year participating, and as for
the past few, we'll be again serving as an umbrella organization for
the extended family of Plan 9 projects, including Inferno, Plan 9 from
User Space, and so on.

        I've filled in our profile on Melange (the webapp that Google uses
to run the program) so we're visible on the accepted-orgs list[1], but
I'm still going around updating various things, so (for example) the wiki
isn't updated yet. This should all be done shortly.

        So now the fun work starts. We need to get as many students as
we reasonably can interested in what we're doing and convinced that
working with us for a summer is a good plan (and, really, who could
argue with that?). More students yield more accepted projects, and
better ones to pick from.

        We could also still use more mentors and ideas, of course. The
ideas page[2] is still the correct place to submit those. Just follow the
format of the existing example and attach your name for any idea
(including existing ones) you'd be willing to mentor for. As a reminder,
putting your name there now is not a commitment to mentor any
particular proposal; we'll still evaluate those as they come in.

        The next big milestone is when student applications open on
April 22. Until then, come hang out in #plan9-gsoc or #plan9 on if you're interested in answering student questions.

This is pretty exciting.


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