Thanks, Ori, that's badass. I'll have to struggle with laziness re:hooking up to a monitor/rebooting my cpu server to give it a go, but it would be good to get a feel of what I'm aiming for.

Mart - thanks for pointing out Microviche. I had considered whether zooming and other features might be neat down the line, if panning felt natural, so having something to look at for that is great.

As an aside, Lucio, I'd second Ethan in that it's probably worth taking a look; I'd be surprised if there was more actual code to change than there was just ramp-up time to understand what you need to change, and a one-or-two hour excursion into the code would probably get you how much ramp-up time you need, at which point you could probably make the final call on whether to move forward.



On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 5:10 PM Ori Bernstein <> wrote:
On Mon, 15 Apr 2019 16:59:12 -0400
Marshall Conover <> wrote:

> For example, I feel super squished on a single screen, but I've come to
> dislike the awkwardness of switching between multiple 'workspaces' or
> working with tiling wms. So I'm playing around with rio at the moment to
> see if adding a 'panning' effect, where you treat the desktop as an
> infinitely-scrollable table and allow the user to 'pan' around the table,
> could be a natural approach to feeling less squished. It may end up being
> even more awkward and painful, but it may also end up being something I'm
> left wanting for in modern DEs - that could be an attraction to 9.

>From man 3 vga:

          panning mode
               Depending on whether mode is on or off, enable or dis-
               able panning in a virtual screen.  If panning is on and
               the screen's size is larger than its actualsize, the
               displayed portion of the screen will pan to follow the
               mouse.  Setting the panning mode after the first attach
               of the #i driver has no effect.

Ori Bernstein <>

Have a good day,

Marshall Conover