hi Jens,

from the 'man ls' on mingw: 

  -i, --inode                print the index number of each file

An inode is a unique number assigned to files and directories while it is created.
The inode number will be unique to the entire filesystem. 
User@DESKTOP-NBQGTKA MINGW64 ~/pyth/2x2.2
$ ls -id out1.txt
1970324837545813 out1.txt

User@DESKTOP-NBQGTKA MINGW64 ~/pyth/2x2.2
$ ls -d out1.txt

On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 10:30 AM Jens Staal <staal1978@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear all,

A lot of configure scripts fail on "ls -di" where the easy solution often is to
just edit it to "ls -d" but is there a reason the "-i" flag is not added to the
list of flags that are ignored in /rc/bin/ape/ls ?

Best regards,

9fans: 9fans
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