Same difference under qemu 1.6.1 instead of virtualbox 4.3.0. Does anyone have experiences to share? If not, then perhaps whatever the issue is on my setup is too local. Mark. On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 6:44 PM, Mark van Atten wrote: > Simply pinging the virtualbox cpu server gives, over a number of tests, > avg rtt around 150 µs from both osx-x11 and osx-cocoa drawterms. > (Indeed, the latest push of osx-cocoa no longer gives the warning.) > > I hope at some point it will become clear what is the matter---perhaps, as > you suggest, in my setup; although so far I don't see why the different > results I get should be due to that. Let me know if I haven't given enough > data. > > And certainly the fullscreen integration of your version is nice! > > Mark. > >