That's very neat !

You might want to consider using a derivative of that PDP-11 work in a IoT (Internet of Things) context.  

IoT devices really need a better programming environment than that provided by Arduino development tools.

On 28 June 2018 at 02:20, Brian L. Stuart <> wrote:
On Wed, 6/20/18, Ethan A. Gardener <> wrote:
> but on the back burner is a
> Forth-based project; a sort of operating system where the
> primary interface to all tasks is a Forth interpreter. So
> far, I've written the basics of a text editor. It's
> *very* little code!

I love seeing this idea coming back around.  Way back
in college, one of my senior projects was a little OS on
the PDP-11 that was done exactly this way.  The app
language and the command language were a Forth
implementation I had done out of curiosity in my freshman
year.  About a year and half ago, I got it running again,
first in simh, then on a little LSI-11 in those cute little
BA11-VA boxes.  It was wild seeing that running again
after over 30 years, and I found and fixed a concurrency
bug. :)  One of my students did (mostly just started on)
a project his past term that's gotten me to thinking a
little about reimplementing the whole thing on a Pi.