Yeas, I know it. I once had Oberon installed, before they downgraded it to Bluebottle. It had a clean design and a single language for everything: Oberon...


On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 9:15 AM, Charles Forsyth <> wrote:
The Oberon system interface, which inspired help/help (which led to Acme), had graphics, and live rich text.
You could cut a running animation and paste it in somewhere else.

On 26 April 2013 08:11, Peter A. Cejchan <> wrote:
I also like very much the Acme's replacement of hard-coded menus by customizable taglines with support of guide files, among others.
With a support of interactive graphics, we could have , e.g., an image editor within Acme. Just a dream...


On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Devon H. O'Dell <> wrote:
2013/4/26 Peter A. Cejchan <>:
>> Also, keep in mind that there is already a well known and popular tiling
>> environment in Plan 9. If you are able to make a window manager with an acme
>> feeling I'm sure many users would be interested. The challenge here is to
>> have the good taste > required to come up with the right design, and that's
>> quite a challenge.
> Adding graphics capabilities to Acme would be nice. Just IMHO.

I agree. I think fgb did this (or at least part of it?) at some point
in the past (for abaco maybe?), but I'm not sure what happened. Maybe
it's just sitting in his contrib. Haven't looked yet.

If it's not complete, I think that'd be pretty great.


> ++pac
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 9:34 AM, yy <> wrote:
>> On 24 April 2013 07:55, David Hoskin <> wrote:
>>> Hello 9fans,
>>> I am interested in working on either of the graphics-related projects
>>> suggested on the GSOC wiki page.
>> Nice.
>>> For the window system enhancements, my immediate idea would be to
>>> implement title bars and dwm-style keyboard commands and tiling, but I
>>> fear that this would not be a large enough project for the whole
>>> summer.
>> Just porting dwm or some of its features to rio would probably be not
>> enough for a gsoc project. However, you have lots of interesting options to
>> expand on that.
>> First, whatever you do must have, at some point, the form of a file
>> server, and you will have to play with the design until you find the right
>> one. It's easy to think in wmii-like file servers where you copy a window to
>> a tag with cp (or bind) and remove it with rm. Maybe even some interesting
>> new feature comes up naturally (the rio design makes natural running rio
>> inside rio, maybe whatever you do makes natural to have tags inside tags or
>> whatever). You also have to keep in mind that most of the Plan 9 programs
>> were intended to be used with a mouse, so although key bindings may be
>> implemented it should be comfortable for mouse users too (you also have
>> interesting options here, just now I'm using a mouse-controlled dwm version
>> and works quite well).
>> Also, keep in mind that there is already a well known and popular tiling
>> environment in Plan 9. If you are able to make a window manager with an acme
>> feeling I'm sure many users would be interested. The challenge here is to
>> have the good taste required to come up with the right design, and that's
>> quite a challenge.
>>> I have the opposite concern about the Web /dev/draw; would it be
>>> acceptable to move some of the logic to the Go client rather than use
>>> it as a dumb proxy?  I am not sure what division of labour I would
>>> settle on here.
>> I don't think nobody is sure about anything. Certainly, there is a way to
>> have a "drawterm in the browser", but it is not clear how to do it. I guess
>> figuring this out may be the first task. You will need some way to draw to
>> the screen and read input events, and you will need to provide a 9P servers
>> for applications to use. Drawing to the screen will probably involve the
>> HTML5 canvas and some dynamic language. The 9P server could be implemented
>> at different levels. There are many 9P libraries for different languages and
>> platforms which may be used, or you could use a custom protocol like p9p's
>> devdraw and then implement the 9P server in Inferno, Plan9 or some program
>> in the local host. And then, you need to glue both parts together.
>> There are many options here, I think many of us have our own opinion on
>> the best way to achieve this. You will have to discuss the details with your
>> mentor. In any case, I think if you are confident to implement the "web
>> part" of the project, serving 9P is not going to be a significant problem,
>> and you could easily get some help for that.
>> I think it is feasible to finish this project in a summer, but it won't be
>> easy.
>>> Thanks,
>>  Good luck!
>> --
>> - yiyus || JGL .