Thanks for warning! However, I reorganize my data very often, moving between dirs, renaming, reorganising tree structure... How will Venti cope with this? Fopr now, I plan to put the data onto an ext2 partition for now, until I feel the dir tree is well-designed. I just want to mount the fossil partition and copy the data out of there. Thanks, best, ++pac On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 3:23 PM, wrote: > // I have an IDE HD with fossil (no venti) partition on it. > // It contains some data precious to me. > > David's already provided good instructions on dealing with your > immediate problem, but allow me to take a step back: > > Don't do that! > > Fossil, without venti, is not the stablest thing around. I would very > strongly recommend against putting precious data on it. I've had it > go wonky personally, and there've been plenty of similar reports > here. In my experience, it's particularly vulnerable to unclean > shutdown, but I've seen more difficult-to-explain issues, too. > > With venti, it's great: the snapshotting capabilties are very nice, > venti's very solid, and if your fossil does get out of whack, it's trivial > to re-initialize it from a known-good state from venti. > > Anthony > > >