Thanks for warning!
However, I reorganize my data very often, moving between dirs, renaming, reorganising tree structure...
How will Venti cope with this?

Fopr now, I plan to put the data onto an ext2 partition for now, until I feel the dir tree is well-designed.
I just want to mount the fossil partition and copy the data out of there.

Thanks, best,

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 3:23 PM, <> wrote:
// I have an  IDE HD with fossil (no venti) partition on it.
// It contains some data precious to me.

David's already provided good instructions on dealing with your
immediate problem, but allow me to take a step back:

Don't do that!

Fossil, without venti, is not the stablest thing around. I would very
strongly recommend against putting precious data on it. I've had it
go wonky personally, and there've been plenty of similar reports
here. In my experience, it's particularly vulnerable to unclean
shutdown, but I've seen more difficult-to-explain issues, too.

With venti, it's great: the snapshotting capabilties are very nice,
venti's very solid, and if your fossil does get out of whack, it's trivial
to re-initialize it from a known-good state from venti.
