Yes, I can recommend Erik' s 9atom, too, it solved my problems with installation onto a SATA-II HD some time ago...


On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 4:11 PM, erik quanstrom <> wrote:
> Back to the Plan 9 install issue on native h/w.. does Plan 9 support SATA
> controllers? My VBox VM also needed the HDD to be on the IDE controller.

it does support ahci controllers.  vbox causes problems for a lot of oses,
and that's probablly a bigger project.

i'm going to guess this is a power management issue.  the ahci driver
was written before the standard, and thus has been a little slow in
catching up.

could you try downloading 9atom, which is quite close to the distribution
(  it has a few power
management wiggles that may fix your issue.

- erik