What kind of plan9 and rpi do you use? I got a strange issue with wired mice using rpi-9front bundle from Chris McGee ( https://github.com/sirnewton01/rpi-9front/issues/3) on rpi B+. On 7 March 2017 at 05:13, wrote: > > Dear, > > I just put plan9 onto my raspi. When I plug it in , it all seems to work, > including the mouse, but my wired USB keyboard (a dell rt7d10) will not > work. I get the error: > error intr 0000082 > With more 0s, but I didn't bother counting. > Why is this? Can this problem be solved in the software, or do I need to > just buy another keyboard? > > Thank You, > KraftKlang > > please forgive me if this is a duplicate message, I only just signed up > for the mailing list and the las e-mail I sent went out before I received a > confirmation e-mail, so I'm not sure if it went out or not, sorry. > >