I really like rsc's libtask and have managed to hide it in a few products.

As for your question: What architecture? Any runtime available?

Personally, I've used libtask on ARM/x86 under Linux/OSX... hardly "bare metal" though.

The current implementation depends mostly on the ucontext API + berkeley sockets for net stuff.

There's another project called http://libmill.org/ that is (was?) based on setjmp/etc that might be easier to port.

Do keep me posted on your "travels"... I'm interested in this kind of stuff too.

...or maybe we should just all help Charles updating/minimizing Inferno...


On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 4:38 AM, Steve Simon <steve@quintile.net> wrote:
Anyone stripped rsc's libtask for use on a bare metal embedded system,
I'am about to do it but if somone already has I could steal it.
