I can't make it, but I'd be most appreciative if someone who can attend would record this talk Ron. Either way, I'm excited to hear more! -joe On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 11:54 AM, ron minnich wrote: > I'm giving a talk at Usenix in Santa Clara in 2 weeks on u-root, and I'll > be setting up a Plan 9 BOF (assuming there is room) with a difference: > we're going to demo the GPL'ed Plan 9 code base booting on a small amd64 > cluster (assuming it's working by then!). The system is built with gcc, > although some of us are advocating moving to clang. A full build of all > libraries, binaries, and kernels takes about 2-3 minutes. It's now possible > to debug the kernel, including setting breakpoints and examining > structures, with gdb when you are running under qemu. If you're at Usenix > drop on by and see what you think. > > If you want to know more you can contact me off-list. > > Thanks > > Ron >