Hello 9fans,

After getting myself an ODROID-W as part of my contract for a deeply embedded Linux appliance yesterday, I read this on the Hardkernel website this evening:

Not recommended for new designs. Broadcom will not supply the SoC to Hardkernel.
When the first trial batch is sold out, you can’t buy the ODROID-W anymore. 
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Now, if you'd like to know my personal thoughts on this, you're more than welcome to email me privately, but my wish to make a Inferno powered tablet from the ODROID-W has now been deep-sixed, as the additional ODROID I picked up from the contract has already been soldered up in a "minimal" configuration suitable for placing on a UAV, and thats exactly what it'll be doing, now that its become one of the rarest (and smallest, for the size/ performance ratio) motherboards on the face of the planet. I was hoping however, under sustained production of the boards, to produce the Inferno tablet, and announce it to the community.

Oh well. Pride goeth, and all that...