Oh, its ok. I like the GSoC idea. I just don't think I'm GSoC material, I'm hardware type, even if I will be a uni student this year going forward - "If it draws blood, its hardware" as the old maxim goes.

The Parallella board is US$99, a far more modest investment in hardware than a GizmoBoard as I had previously suggested, and packs more power for the price, in terms of coding value. Whether it could be accepted as a coding project of the type for GSoC, a mentor for it found, and other logistical concerns are a issue for the GSoC organisers, but I suppose, could it happen?

An abstract topic for the time being.

On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 5:06 PM, <lucio@proxima.alt.za> wrote:
> Thoughts? Comments? Critique? Flames?

I guess this is the real value of efforts like GSOC, if only they
could be extended to a much greater public either with an infinite
budget or by pushing a far more socially-aware ethos.

I'll refrain from pontificating further.
