Research was always fun. I remember helping out with the Optus Flash-192 tests many years ago, giving the senior engineers a bit of a hand patching crap together and all that. Learnt a whole heap out of it. I think we've clocked 100Gbps over a single fibre link now, the -192 was 80Gbps back then.

We hit the brick wall and went DWDM after that. I got in on the ground floor of the DWDM theory, loved it. That ended up being implemented in the now stillborn Ruddnet NBN in Oz. I still remember the day we got the Saber FRED laser in from USyd, my TO told me if we flipped her on, we'd black out half of Lidcombe, it'd pull that much juice off the grid.

Good times mate.

On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 1:49 PM, Prof Brucee <> wrote:
Thanks to you too. Fortunately working in research is perhaps the best part of the telephony system. As for editors, I used sam when I was working at Google. My esteemed coworkers used vim.


On 27/04/2017 1:35 PM, "Shane Morris" <> wrote:
He who convinces himself he don't need to learn from history should read about the fall of the Roman Empire a little.

But yeah, be damned if I'll ever work for the phone company again. Only the railways was a more thankless job.

It is a little pleasant to visit ones memories for some nostalgia from time to time, I went and saw the big C band dish we put up beside my trade school department in '04 the other day in Sydney... its still there, unlike a certain similar dish I hear was affixed to the top of a building at UNSW a few years back that fell off three days after it was put up... and yes, I hung it all over the PhD who botched that one, especially the bit where I told him I was "just a dumb tradesman."

My eyes might've gotten a bit misty, I took some photos for my niece in the years to come, and I left again. It is what it is.

Meanwhile Brucee, thanks for the hotline tip! Better than Hackaday.

On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 1:27 PM, Prof Brucee <> wrote:
Your bad fortune.

On 27/04/2017 1:13 PM, "Winston Kodogo" <> wrote:
Well, such are my limitations, I don't give two short smegs about the Blit or "The Labs", Johnny come latelelys that they are, promoting new editors such as "ed". Instead of edt, the one true editor. But when I was a lad, these many years ago, we did have to pick up the phone - without dial, there was no dial - wait for the operator at the Sanderstead exchange and ask the operator to connect us.

On 27 April 2017 at 14:42, Shane Morris <> wrote:
Dear God, big old working exchanges?!

We had a tiny little relay logic step by step PABX at trade school, adjusting her was punishment detail. Well, it was until they worked out I actually enjoyed getting the old girl to make party tricks...

I wonder if I am actually allowed into the US these days...? Likely not... perhaps I can see some photos instead?

Cheers mate!

On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 10:57 AM, Bruce Ellis <> wrote:
For those interested in the Blit and other stuff from the labs, particularly if you are in the Seattle area, you might like to contact who is the Associated Curator of the Communications Museum. He gave me a tour and I introduced him to games/crabs.

Big old telephone exchanges in working order are fun!
