Hello 9fans, Forgive me if this is an exceedingly mind numbing question, curiosity did kill the cat...! I have an ANTS 9worker image as CPU server, an ANTS 9queen image as auth server, both running on my Linux workstation under QEMU, a Drawterm session on the Linux workstation, and a Drawterm session on my Macbook. Presumably, I can mount both the host filesystem of the workstation and the Macbook at /mnt/term. In fact, there is two /mnt directories in /. What I would like to do is bind both my workstations /mnt/term and my Macbooks /mnt/term together as a union filesystem (is that the exact term?) So I can freely copy files from workstation to Macbook via Plan 9 and vice versa. On both Drawterm sessions, when I "cd mnt" I get that machines local file system. How do I reference the other /mnt for a start, and then how do I combine them non-destructively? There is nothing I can find that details how I would reference the second, same name directory in a directory tree, and without that, I am at a loss to even attempt to bind the two together. I do like the idea of being able to copy from machine to machine, or, as the case may suit me, examine both hard drives as one big directory structure, rather than using NFS or SneakerNet (SneakerNet is my preferred - no config needed). Thanks! Shane.