I suppose, if you bug me enough, and I have some time up my sleeve (like 3:30am in the morning when I can't sleep) I'll try typing a coherent reply. I don't G+, I hardly ever use their 3D printing group, which I think has some great suff, I think its another duplicity of an already old concept.

Then again, talking about old concepts, sometimes, when I could be bothered, I go on #plan9 on Freenode IRC - boris_G is me, again, bug me enough, and I might respond. I go on there for #neo900, #hackrf, a few others.

As a last suggestion, interested persons email me directly, put something along the lines of "Parallella" in the title, and I'll make an impromptu mailing list. I've contacted a couple of specific people already, and I'd imagine they'd want to be informed.

I hope the Parallella people reopen their preorders soon-ish, website says January, no change in status yet.


On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 4:26 PM, <lucio@proxima.alt.za> wrote:
> Thoughts? Comments? Critique? Flames?

Sounds like fun.  I would suggest keeping (some of) us posted.  Maybe
the occasional posting on G+?
