The Loonie Revolution is proud to announce and sponsor: CODE AS THOU WILT SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW summer What are the rules? NONE. From May 1 to Aug 30. What is going to happen? Some people (maybe you) are going to write some original Plan 9 code that does something at least slightly interesting and new. Then the Loonie Revolution will send you $99 via PayPal. That's not much money for coding, is it? Nope. Think of it as a tip of gratitude, not as an hourly wage for your efforts. Can I just write Hello World and get money for it? Nope, not unless it said hello to a different world via the tachyon telephone device. There is no minimum specification, but the software has to do something new for Plan 9, not just solve an Euler problem or something. "Loonie Revolution" - is this just a troll? Nope. The new lunar-powered revolution of peace and love to bring the fantasy of a better world into our shared reality has been declared. The fiction binds are forming and the harmonic time resonance is vibrating in helical patterns. Ben Kidwell Loonie