Ok, so I installed Plan 9 onto a GPT-formatted USB stick and am trying to boot it. Problem is, it isn't working. I get: pbs................ok no fat My GRUB entry looks like this: insmod part_gpt set root='(hd2,9)' chainloader +1 I found this thread: https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!msg/comp.os.plan9/tK6LsVDZtjw/VtkTwBQRJfYJ so I tried marking the Plan 9 partition with the boot and legacy_boot flags. It didn't change anything. One thing I've noticed is that, with other OSs on the USB, I've had to add a "boot delay" flag of some kind in order for the USB stick to get picked up. Maybe I need to do something like that here? -- Ryan (ライアン) Yoko Shimomura > ryo (supercell/EGOIST) > Hiroyuki Sawano >> everyone else http://kirbyfan64.github.io/