I have been intending to try out the new raspberry pi updates too for 9front, but haven't had the chance yet.

A couple of years ago I was building the sd-card images for my raspberry pis by using qemu to bring up an x86 install of 9front and doing a cross-compile within to build the new disk image. Here's a script that I used after the manual 9front install to do that plus a bunch of other things that you probably don't care about. It does need significant cleanup and updates.


I'm hoping that it is at least some help to others.


On Sat, Jan 5, 2019 at 12:10 PM Raingloom <raingloom@protonmail.com> wrote:
Has anyone made one? I'm trying to put one together but the Plan 9 disk tools are... well they are quite different to what I'm used to. I managed to build the kernel and the userspace (with CONF=rpi2, which is afaik the correct one for rpi3 too?) and am trying to mirror the partitioning of the image by Richard Miller (at least more or less, I'll probably have to change things for HJFS) and combine the contents from that and a 9front VM.
Is that a good way to go ahead?