I'm finally getting tired of having to type passwords and am setting up secstore on the 9atom cpuserver on a VirtualBox VM on my mac. I'm running into some problems presumably because some of the secstore files and directories are owned by glenda and not adm (i'm part of the adm and sys groups)

I looked into changing the ownership of the files to adm/sys user, the stat command on the fossil console can't seem to find the /adm/secstore directory.

Is the directory/file permissions really getting in the way of the secstore setup? If so, how can I fix the ownership?

% auth/secuser dchawla
new account (because /adm/secstore/dchawla accounts dchawla and FICTITIOUS do not exist)
dchawla password: 
retype password: 
expires [DDMMYYYY, default = 18122014]: 
Enabled or Disabled [default Enabled]: 
require STA? [default no]: 
comments [default = ]: Deepak Chawla
auth/secuser: can't write password file: can't open PW file for dchawla
dcmacp9% ls -l /adm
--rw-rw-r-- M 84 adm    adm   0 May  2  2002 /adm/cache
d-rwxr-xr-x M 84 glenda sys   0 Jun  9  2013 /adm/secstore
d-rwxrwxr-x M 84 adm    adm   0 Jun  9  2013 /adm/timezone
--rw-rw-r-- M 84 adm    sys 130 Aug  1 10:17 /adm/users
dcmacp9% ls -l /adm/secstore
d-rwx------ M 84 glenda sys 0 Jun  9  2013 /adm/secstore/store
d-rwxr-xr-x M 84 glenda sys 0 Jun  9  2013 /adm/secstore/who