On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 9:47 AM Steven Stallion <sstallion@gmail.com> wrote:
> In short, start small and grow as needed. For reference, when I ran
> Coraid's fs based on 64-bit Ken's (WORM only, no dedupe) in RWC
> (based on the main fs in Athens). Over the course of a few years
> the entire WORM grew to around 35GB. This was for a couple dozen
> people working full time. I believe I had the LUN configured to
> something rather large at the time - around 12TB. All wasted space.


So if you were setting up a new filesystem for the same group, and
were using venti, would you be using the default 500 mb arena size
(meaning 70+ arenas), or would you be sizing them at a larger size,
like 1 gb, 2 gb, etc?

The "setting up venti" page indicates that multiple small disks
help with performance on venti due to using more indexes, but I
can't tell if that translates to more partitions (e.g., 1 RAID 1+0
disk split into multiple smaller partitions, and divvied up into
isectX and arenaX drives).  I guess it probably comes down to
how well (or poorly) the underlying disk array performs at random
read/write ops.

I see that AWS S3 allows for up to 5 gb in a single PUT, or 5 tb
using multipart streams, and am thinking that using 1 to 5 gb
arenas might make sense as a more modern "sized for for easy
offline backup" default.
