i don't know.  if you lean that direction, then the only thing raid gives 
you is reduced downtime.

On reflection, it seems I do lean that direction, and generally use raid mainly to dodge downtime. Our plan 9 systems (and `other' alike) mostly have redundant disks (when they must have them at all) -- but they have regular offsite backup also. I wonder if I'm being wasteful.

i think of raid as reliable storage.  backups are for saving one's bacon in
the face of other disasters.  you know, sysadmin mistakes, misconfiguration,
code gone wild, building burns down, 

meteorite! ;)

(and if my experience with backups is any indiciation, it's best not to
rely on them.)

Probably another discussion, but I try to deal with this by testing the offsite backups (rdarena output) of the plan9 fileserver against a similar system that's designated the second-string fileserver. I haven't had to do it in production in a while, (raid narrowed the reasons I'd need to) so maybe I'm missing something and it would be less successful than in the testing.

but this thinking is probablly specific to how i use raid.  i imagine the
exact answer on what raid gives you should be worked out based on
the application.

I probably veer toward mere semantics, but I'd still define your use of raid to be uptime-protection. The list of exceptions you place under ``backups are for...'' is the same list, essentially, that motivates the offsite backups I mention -- the usual holes in the raid prophylactic. I see how Plan 9 facilities (esp. dump) ameliorate some of them: admin mistakes, for example. But it doesn't fireproof the system. 

Or, put another way, you're not asserting you have no backup beyond that fileserver raid, are you? Because if so, I want to learn how I can skip that step, too.
