On 10-Aug-07, at 3:34 PM, David Leimbach wrote:
I'm sorry to hear it's not well structured. 

Less a problem of structure of gsoc than of a mismatch between how the plan9 community operates, the gsoc expectations, and my over-expectations.  I think Uriel did a great job getting something organized and off the ground.  I'm just not sure that as an "organization" we're a good match - I think we just don't have enough developers on most of our projects to get a good head of steam going for most students.



On 10-Aug-07, at 12:28 PM, Uriel wrote:

> The plan9-tech list was created (not by me) after various gsoc
> students *and* mentors plain refused to use 9fans, and really, who can
> blame them when even jmk refuses to use 9fans anymore.
> Anyway, keep jumping to assumptions, bashing people who tries to help,
> and doing what you have doing so far, it seems to have worked really
> well.
> uriel
> P.S.: Oh, I know, you would rather have everyone use private email,
> that has worked so wonderfully so far.
> On 8/10/07, ron minnich <rminnich@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 8/10/07, Steve Simon < steve@quintile.net> wrote:
>>> good one uriel, good one.
>> so, set me straight on this: somone is leading the tribe of True
>> 3lite
>> Hackers across the desert, gonna part the waters etc., take 'em to
>> the
>> promised land, and so on.
>> So, uh, who are these tech contributors who are going? I can only
>> gaze
>> in awe. And, once they get there, I assume they'll take a blanket off
>> the blanket tree and take a nap (ref. to CM Kornbluth is entirely
>> intentional; I'll let you find story and title).
>> ron
>> p.s. met the coraid guys at linux world yesterday. Very, very fine
>> stuff. I love the fact that they are 'the linux storage company'.

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