Hi 9fans, I wrote the attached to listen on a plumb port and make a given window current when it gets a message. I'm not sure how much I will like it: it's nice not to have to hunt for a buried client program after plumbing something; on the other hand, sometimes I like to plumb a few urls, images, or pdfs and view later. Still, I thought I'd figure out a way to do it. The first argument is the port to listen on and the second is a string to match against the label of the window to raise. In my riostart I start my main rc window like this: window 'raiseplumb web mothra! & raiseplumb edit sam & raiseplumb image page & cat todo; label rc; rc' (After setting page's label I bind /dev/null over it so it isn't overwritten) The program could be improved but it seems to work well enough for a quick implementation. Other solutions I thought of were to prime the windows I want to raise by posting their wctl in /srv (since /dev/wsys isn't in the plumber's namespace) then writing plumb rules to first raise the window by mounting the wctl, then plumb to the port; or else patch the client programs to raise themselves when they get a plumb. Has anyone else wanted/implemented something like this? umbraticus