You should see the bare machine then... Sony's GCC is even more hooped.

And the PS3 version is no better, with huge dependence on "restrict" for any sort of performance, especially on SPU.  And don't  It's made me go back to coding assembly instead.  And its structure packing so interferes with good data layout I want to cry.

(Shameless plug follows)

That said, Neoptica ( - the startup I'm involved (committed?) with) is looking for a world-class systems/compilers person to join our team; we're working on novel approaches to exploit multi-core architectures, GPUs, and fast bi-directional busses to improve the visuals in next-games.  The systems job add isn't posted yet, but should be soon - for the flavour through, think Brook (, Sequoia (, and EAGL (


On 10-Apr-06, at 1:37 AM, Bruce Ellis wrote:

distrust anthing with more than one underscore.

i've seen  ...

#define iniline __inline__

more than once, and don't care what it means.
the ps2 linux port is crazy.  trying to align things.


On 4/10/06, <> wrote:
Gcc does all these kinds of optimizations and more.  I can't imagine
what they're optimizing for.

    gcc-developer time?  many hours went into writing that code.

On the contrary, they are protecting their "job" just like any other
employee, by making themselves indispensable.  I don't think it's
necessary or a conscious decision on their part, but it's that aspect
of human nature that eventually defeats any attempt at benevolent
social engineering.  Call it "the tragedy of the commons", if you need
a label.
