在 2012年11月28日星期三UTC+8下午8时22分30秒,Bence Fábián写道: > but what is _most_ likely is that you really have them initialized two times. > just do > g '(op|et)names ?=' > > you should find 4 initializations. just delete the redundant ones. > > > 2012/11/28 Bence Fábián > > DATA  opnames<1>+116(SB)/4,$string<1>+739(SB) > > and > DATA  etnames<1)+72(SB)/4,$string<1>+912(SB) > > > > > are the second initializations of both opnames and etnames. > > you can grep for them in the output of > 8c -S source.c > > > that's all i can help, cause i can't tell what $string<1>+739(SB) and $string<1>+912(SB) refer to > > > since they are adresses. Thanks guys, I just look into the list, and suprisingly saw you replying in a new thread, I am not familiar with newsgroup and didn't saw your reply earlier the problem is solved. It's a good lesson, eyes can lie, I just didn't use machine to check duplicated initializaion.