> I believe that > 1) Its too much trouble parsing the output everytime. i don't buy that. that takes very little code. since you have evidently already written the code, the cost is zero. (if you're worried about runtime, i measure parsing time at 338ns on a core i7 920. cf. attached digestspd.c) > 2) Calling some function from an included library will be faster. maybe. are you sure that it matters? i measure base fork/exec latency on a 1.8ghz xeon5000 at 330µs. (files served from the fileserver, not a ram disk.) the attached fork.c and nop.c were used to do the measurement. i measure vac throughput at ~3mb/s for small files from a brand new venti running from a ramdisk. the venti was tiny with 5mb isect and 100mb arenas, and empty. at that rate, 330µs will cost you 1038 bytes, or 0.3%. remember that dynamic linking isn't free. that cost assumes that dynamic linking is free, and it is not. - erik