On 5/23/05, Ronald G. Minnich wrote: > I am starting to look at this but wonder if someone has beat me to it. > > I need to make a simple, single-threaded 9p server that will sit on a > normal Unix TCP socket in an accept/serve loop . It seems like the bits > are there to do this in lib9p, but I'm still untangling a few things; I > don't need the /tmp/ns.whatever Unix domain socket stuff, for example, but > all the other superstructure there is really nice. Anybody done this. I > can't use newsham's python server as I am sitting on a nice, bare node and > python is not really an option. I was simply hacking u9fs until a minute > or two ago, and I feel like I'm re-inventing something I'm sure someone > has already done -- must be somebody there who has beat me to this, I > figure. > You should be able to use the plan9ports infrastructure just fine, even if its more than you need. I'm going to attach a really simple devcons style driver I wrote using plan9ports as an example. Almost all of the code can be thought of as a template. Search for Qtime and Qcons to get the parts that really do anything. One of these days I'll get around to writing a synthetic file systems SDK to help make stuff like this more straightforward. -eric