Thanks for everybody's answers... :)

2008/6/20 Pietro Gagliardi <>:
On Jun 20, 2008, at 10:03 AM, Rudolf Sykora wrote:


is there any simple way how to identify processes belonging to one concrete process group?

They're called "note groups" and the noteid file of each process has the number. So if you call 6 lines of rc and 5 lines of awk simple, then yes!

       for(i in /proc/*)
               if(! ~ $i /proc/trace)
                       echo `{cat $i/noteid}:`{basename $i}
} | sort -t: -n | awk '
# based on squash by jon bentley from programming pearls 1st edition
BEGIN { FS = ":" }
$1 != prev { prev = $1; if(NR > 1) printf "\n"; printf "%d: ", $1 }
{ printf "%d ", $2 }
END { printf "\n" }


Is there anything like pstree in plan9?
Work with the code I gave you and /sys/src/cmd/ps.c.
