I need to be able to change permissions of /dev/consctl , and I get a permission denied.

term% ls -l /dev/consctl
 ----------- M 111 glenda glenda 0 Jan 2 03:30 /dev/consctl

term% chmod 0700 /dev/consctl
chmod: can't wstat /dev/consctl: permission denied

term% chmod 0200 /dev/consctl
chmod: can't wstat /dev/consctl: permission denied

Long story:
I'm emulating Plan9 with qemu, and to get an internet connection I do the following in Plan9:
 ndb/dns -r

I know that with this, ICMP will not be working, but `telnet tcp!www.google.com!80` should work:
 term% telnet tcp!www.google.com!80
 connected to tcp!www.google.com!80 on /net/tcp/1
 can't open consctl: '/dev/consctl' permission denied
 can't open consctl: '/dev/consctl' permission denied

I might be going in a whole different direction as to how to get an internet connection in plan9 under qemu. But I'm lost.

- Yosyp