On 10/20/06, geoff@plan9.bell-labs.com wrote: > > I think that one of the best arguments for organising header files as > Plan 9 does is the mess that /usr/include has become on (l)unix. It's > almost 20MB on Suse 9.1. > > Here's an interesting exercise for people who don't see a problem with > how (l)unix organises /usr/include: > > Ask someone (ideally a manager, the higher the rank, the better) to > find out where under /usr/include on Linux the type time_t is defined > and the signal SIGINT is declared without using grep or any > equivalent; they should trace through the include files visually. If > they return with the correct answers and aren't disgusted with the > mess under /usr/include, slap some pointy hair on them. > > Yes I agree, they are even larger under S.L.E.D. 10, I believe like 35 MB, or some such. IMHO organizing header files. As far as the above "exercise" no way w/o grep would I in a million years wanna go through /usr/include in a *nix system.