Some days ago there was a new ghostscript binary on sources. I'm having trouble with it: | term% lp -dstdout goedel.dvi > | term% lp goedel.dvi | gs 3244: suicide: sys: fp: invalid operation fppc=0xd52cd status=0xb8a1 pc=0x000d4fc8 | cat: can't open /tmp/gsp3237: '/tmp/gsp3237' file does not exist | term% yesterday -b -20070304 /386/bin/gs | bind /n/dump/2007/0304/386/bin/gs /386/bin/gs | term% lp goedel.dvi | term% Printing to stdout works, printing to paper doesn't. Using ps2pdf also ends up in a gs suicide. I attached a listing of stk(). I can send a snap(4) file on request. Heiko