Ah, So, upon the suggestions of Erik and Steve, I took up the task of just trying to regain this user's dignity (permissions, recognition). As hostowner, I copied /adm/users to a personal DIR, removed the line for that user, then went into fscons, and ran users -r /path/to/copied/adm/users uname user user and upon checking, the newly created home DIR (which is the only thing I _was_ able to remove as host owner) was the user's sans parentheses: d-rwxrwxr-x M 282 user user 0 Nov 6 15:24 /usr/user and upon re-enabling the user's account, logging in through drawterm and running /sys/lib/newuser (as that user), all the files within the user's home DIR were now appropriately owned by user. However, the previously created /cron/user and /mail/box/user DIRs and files were still not accessible to this user -- what action would you suggest I take with this? As per the reasoning and analysis, I explained to another Plan 9 mate (mycroftiv) that when I initially created this user, after running auth/changeuser, I immediately logged into its account via `cpu' and ran /sys/lib/newuser that way (as opposed to logging into the user's account freshly, i.e., via drawterm). mycroftiv speculates: "i think the stage of going through cpu WILL throw off general auth stuff in plan9 unless you take the step of mounting your auth stuff iirc you generally need to do auth/keyfs within your cpu environment to get things setup as a minimum". If you have other ideas regarding this, I'm more than interested in reaching a reasonable conclusion. Regards