This passage seems to me to speak to the minimal spirit in Plan 9. "... the best choice of software is often no software -- and barring that, as little software as you can possibly get away with, and even then, only from the most reputable and reliable sources." I'd add that you need a way to combine what little you have with other little bits, to build up a new, custom tool that does what you want at this moment. I like the part about bluescreening the city block, but hope we're past the point where anyone would seriously think of wiring Windows that deeply into the fabric of our real-world systems. I like to think Vista broke the upgrade spell, and remote computing will anyway make desktop OS choice mostly irrelevant. Which brings me to repeat a question about Plan9, from another thread: if there is no real browser for the platform, how will Plan 9 participate in the "cloud computing" (r)evolution? I suppose it would be enough to have a Chromium port, if Chrome and the Chrome OS gain traction. Jason Catena