Hello 9fans, I was fooling around with a fresh install of plan9 on VMWare fusion, copying some files via ftpfs from my hypervisor (Leopard) to my Plan 9 Guest. Everything was fine until I tried to copy my latest copy of Scientific American (14.7mb pdf). It was then that I got the error/kernel panic shown. For giggles renamed the file from 200808.pdf to sciam-august.pdf, with the same results, I also then bzipped the file (which only shaved 1 meg off the file size) and again had the same result. I then created a set of test files (using dd) of 256k, 512k, 768k, 1mb, 2mb, 4mb, and 8mb in size and proceeded to attempt to copy them in the same manner (via ftpfs to glenda's $home using cp). All attempts to copy the files (even the 256k) causes a panic. Interestingly the 9.intro.pdf file (1.3 meg) copied w/o any issues. The *.xls files are between 15 and 60kb. (see attacked image (104k). For those who don't want to look at the image the error reads: ilock :: 00 00 00 00 06 02 00 00 60 7e 11 f0 80 b8 3f f0 00 00 00 00 (and some other stuff) panic: corrupt ilock f0049f40 pc=f0117e60 m=0 isilock=0 panic: corrupt ilock f0049f40 pc=f0117e60 m=0 isilock=0 dumpstack disabled cpu1: exiting cpu0: exiting Any help or advice regarding this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, John